I'm pleased to post my
1760s stays! I'll spare you the photo of me in it with the excessive
1760s boob-age.
Not perfection by any means, but I'm quite pleased with myself. I learned so much! Binding by hand was a bit more than my carpal tunnel could handle, hence the late entry.
This is my second entry for the January Historical Sew Monthly Challenge. At least one was finished on time...
What the item is: 1760s Stays
The Challenge: #1 Foundations
Fabric: 100% cotton. Toile fashion layer, canvas inside, broadcloth lining.
Pattern: Butterick 4254
Year: 1760s-ish
Notions: Cotton thread, cotton embroidery floss, plastic cable ties.
How historically accurate is it? Maybe 60%? The toile pattern is a little off, but I love it. Mostly machine sewn except the binding and lacing holes.
Hours to complete: 30+ It feels like forever, but it was so worth it!
worn: Just for a photo.
Total cost: Maybe $25 CAD
Things I learned:
- How to sew eyelets. Definitely something new and something to continue to grow my skills in.
- How to fit a corset. I wouldn't say I'm the best at it, but I followed a great tutorial on how to use cardboard to fit stays before cutting everything.
Things to change:
- The straps are too short and quite difficult to put on properly.
- It's hard to see, but there's one too many tabs in the front. A note for next time.
Up next... Regency stays!
Do you have a link to the tutorial you used for fitting stays with cardboard? I would love to try making a set for myself.