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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

1912 Post-Edwardian Tea Gown

Have I mentioned I love my job?  Like really love my job?  To commemorate the suffragette movement in Alberta the Legislature organized a costumed-rally  and invited Fort Edmonton staff to join.  What fun!  Of course I volunteered.  While I didn't actually get to attend because I'm a klutz and injured my foot, I did make this little beauty.

I based my outfit on this fashion plate:
Ladies Home Journal, January 1912
Soutache: check.  Pattern I already have: check.  Excuse to re-design my boater: check.  Use only stash materials: check.

I used a lovely aqua-coloured linen with white soutache for the gown.  The blouse is made from ikea curtains originally destined for a regency gown, but alas.

The pattern sews together beautifully.  I used the same pattern for Mrs Banks so I was able to whip it together quickly.  I did interface the facings as soutache appreciates a little something to hold on to.  The bodice and skirt hem don't have facings in the pattern so I quickly drafted them.  The other change I made to the pattern, which was more time consuming than it needed to be was that I removed the pleat from the skirt.  It made me look a tad more poochy than I really needed it to...
Butterick 6093, 1912

I wanted to keep the pretty tulip hem without the pleat.  I'm sure the lack of tea contributed to my troubles.  I swear it took longer to redraft that one piece than it did to sew the damn thing together!

Once the pattern was in order it assembled super quickly.  I made my soutache template as usual, marking the intersections with my iron-away marker.  And then, I soutached.  And soutached.  And soutached.  

Just keep stitching...
I'm quite pleased with the result!  It hangs beautifully and gives a lovely post-Edwardian silhouette.  I'm reserving the full photo for post-CoCo so patience, dear friends!  But, here's a sneak peek:


1 comment:

  1. The sneak peek looks great! I'm also hoping to have an Edwardian tea gown for Costume College, but given that I haven't quite finished the corset yet it's looking less likely :)
