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Sunday, 12 July 2015

Overdue Post and Lost Stays

It's been so long I hardly know what to write!

So many things have happened in the last few months.  First, Regency Encounters was kind enough to host a ball in Calgary.  As you've seen I made an outfit for B to attend with me.  He decided to be more Darcy than Bingley and sit pridefully looking on from the corner.  He did look dashing if I do say so myself.

I finished sewing all our garments on the way to Calgary.  On four hours sleep.  Not my brightest move, but necessary.

Sewing-wise things were quiet for a few months after that until last week I was asked to participate in a promotional photo shoot for an upcoming Regency event: a Promenade and Tea!  How exciting!  That's when I discovered my stays did not come home from Calgary.  They 'stayed' too long at the ball.  (necessary pun)

I already needed a day dress for the Tea, but now I needed stays too.  Somehow I managed to get my new stays and day dress done in 4 days in time for the photo shoot.  Go me!  I still want to add some Van Dyke trim to jazz it up a bit, but I'm quite happy with the stripes.

Photo by Bryan Young/St Albert Gazette

The St Albert Gazette did a wonderful job on the photos and article!  See the whole article here:

The dress was based around my new bonnet. It was made completely of stash materials, which I'm super happy with.  I recycled some sketchy interfacing, repurposed some satin, and used up the last of the random ribbon I bought for my wedding.  I'm quite pleased with the results.

Up next, a new stove pipe hat and Van Dyke trim.


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